Man alleges Arenoso Notary Attorney of Fraud
Broad language giving an attorney-in-fact “all powers” to handle your financial affairs or make health care decisions can be sufficient for many purposes. But some powers are only granted if they are specifically mentioned. Powers that must be specifically mentioned include:
Specifically authorized powers of attorney can be especially important for married people concerned about what would happen if one spouse became ill and needed nursing home care or other long-term care. The authority to transfer property from the disabled spouse to the well spouse may be important for Medicaid eligibility purposes.
On the other hand, giving an attorney-in-fact broad powers to make gifts of your property can result in serious problems if the attorney-in-fact turns out to be unreliable or unwise. You should talk to an attorney if you have questions about these issues.
Unless your power of attorney specifies otherwise, your attorney-in-fact’s power of attorney terminates if you become mentally incapacitated. However, a power of attorney may say that it must remain in effect even if you become disabled or incapacitated. A power of attorney that says this is a durable power of attorney.
It is best to consult with experts or academic institutions with extensive experience in the field. There are companies and researchers that are professionally dedicated to it in several countries. We also suggest to consult in genealogy departments that may exist in the universities or academic institutions of the country of origin or residence of the interested party.
If you believe that your surname is Sephardic, you will have to look for documentation that accredits it and go to an entity with sufficient competence that can endorse, motivated, that your surnames belong to the Sephardic lineage.
Migration documents, naturalization documents, etc. that prove the origin of your ancestors, including passports or identity cards, birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, Sephardic cemetery burial certificates, etc.
The Land Registry
Actually, I was planning to write this post about the rectifications that are generated when the interested party insists on signing the deed despite the advice of the Notary. However, a change of impressions with @loremogue , always accurate in her observations, has made me end up writing more than about the cause of the rectifications, about the procedure to rectify.
“Material errors, omissions and defects of form suffered in intervivos notarial documents may be corrected by the Notary Authorizing, his substitute or successor in the protocol, on his own initiative or at the request of the party who had originated or suffered them. Only the authorizing Notary may remedy the lack of expression in the document of his judgments of identity or capacity or of other aspects of his own activity in the authorization.
The correction may be made by diligence in the original deed itself or by means of a notarial act in which the error, the omission, or the defect of form, its cause and the statement that corrects it shall be recorded. The corrective diligence extended before the expedition of any copy will not need to be transferred in these, being enough to transcribe the matrix according to its rectified writing. In case of being made by minutes, this shall be recorded in the corrected deed in any case and in the previous copies that are exhibited to the Notary.
España – Presentación de la Agencia Notarial de Certificación (Ancert)
Usted tiene derecho a elegir el notario que prefiera. Los notarios compiten entre sí esencialmente en calidad: busque el notario que mejor le asesore imparcialmente y plantee las dudas que se le ocurran. Los notarios están obligados a asesorarle y a prestarle los servicios notariales que usted les solicite.
En España existen cerca de 3.000 notarios distribuidos por todo el territorio nacional para garantizar la disponibilidad del servicio, incluso en poblaciones muy pequeñas, por lo que no le resultará difícil encontrar uno cerca de su domicilio o despacho en el que depositar su confianza (consulte la Guía Notarial). Los notarios están organizados en Colegios, que les apoyan en sus funciones y también supervisan sus actuaciones. Los Presidentes de estos Colegios constituyen el Consejo General del Notariado, que representa al colectivo a nivel nacional. Jerárquicamente, los notarios dependen de la Dirección General de los Registros y del Notariado (DGRN) del Ministerio de Justicia.